NA’s increased oversight over CLV cooperation initiatives sought

The Committees for Foreign Affairs of the National Assemblies of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam convened their sixth meeting in Vientiane, on August 2.
NA’s increased oversight over CLV cooperation initiatives sought ảnh 1Delegates to the six conference of the Committees for Foreign Affairs of the  National Assemblies of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (Source: VNA)
Vientiane (VNA) – The Committees for Foreign Affairs of the  National Assemblies of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam convened their sixth meeting in Vientiane, on August 2 to discuss how to intensify the legislatures’ supervision over cooperation initiatives in the development triangle region.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Vice Chairman of the Lao NA Sengnuan Xayalath stressed that this conference is of significance for the three legislative bodies to supervise the enforcement of a Development Initiative in the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Development Triangle.

To realise development-related treaties and initiatives signed by the governments, participants at the meeting need to study and contribute ideas to each issue straightly to find out proper orientations and solutions to be submitted to the governments, disseminate investment policies in the region to foreign investors through parliamentary mechanisms and regional and global parliamentary offices.

Nguyen Van Giau, head of the Vietnamese NA’s Committee for Foreign Affairs, said that with their role and responsibility, the three committees have helped the legislative bodies promote their role in boosting development and cooperation in the region and building the borderline of peace, stability, solidarity and development.

He expressed his hope that the three Governments will soon sign an action plan connecting the three economies by 2030.

This plan is expected to help the countries focus development resources on the fields of transport, energy, trade, telecommunications scientifically and synchronously in order to gain practical results for the CLV development triangle, he added.

The Vietnamese NA also hopes the legislatures of Laos and Cambodia will encourage relevant agencies to soon complete negotiations and necessary procedures to implement agreements reached at the 9th CLV Development Triangle Summit.

During the two-day conference, delegates are expected to listen to reports on the progress of the region’s programmes and projects, exchange information and experience in enforcing the judicial offices’ missions and in supervising and speeding up the implementation of the governments’ cooperation treaties.-VNA

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