National Day marked in Thailand, Cuba, Czech Republic

The 70th anniversary of Vietnam’s August Revolution (August 19) and National Day (September 2) was observed in several countries on September 2.
National Day marked in Thailand, Cuba, Czech Republic ảnh 1National Day marked in Nigeria (Photo:VNA) 

The 70th anniversary of Vietnam’s August Revolution (August 19) and National Day (September 2) was observed in several countries on September 2. 

The Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand held a ceremony with the participation of over 700 guests including representatives from French authorities, Vietnamese and foreign embassies and organisations in Thailand, and the Vietnamese community in the country. 

A similar event was also organised in Havana by the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples, during which Vietnamese Ambassador Duong Minh thanked the international community and the Cuban people for their valuable support to Vietnam’s revolutionary cause. 

Representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy and several local offices in Cuba also laid a floral wreath at the statue of the late President Ho Chi Minh in Havana. 

On the occasion, Hanoi artists performed the “Cat bui” (Ashes and dust) play at the Sapa trade centre in the Czech Republic to serve the Vietnamese community.-VNA


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