National defence tradition makes Vietnam’s success at UN: Ambassador

National defence tradition, successful renovation and proper behaviours in external relations are among important factors that help Vietnam succeed in winning support at the United Nations (UN), held Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese mission to the UN.
National defence tradition makes Vietnam’s success at UN: Ambassador ảnh 1Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese mission to the UN (Photo: VNA)

New York (VNA) – National defence tradition, successful renovation and proper behaviours in external relations are among important factors that help Vietnam succeed in winning support at the United Nations (UN), held Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese mission to the UN.

In an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency correspondent in New York ahead of the official opening of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 75), Ambassador Quy said he received greeting messages from representatives from many countries at the UN on the recent 75th anniversary of the National Day, in which they highly valued the national defence tradition of Vietnam.

He said many messages said Vietnam continues to be an example for nations struggling with poverty and underdevelopment.

The ambassador went on to say that the success in reform and door opening, as well as its abiding by international rule is another reason that help Vietnam win the trust of other countries, as are Vietnam’s achievements in poverty reduction, growth and efforts to bring social security to the people with the spirit of “no one is left behind”, along with the strong performance in implementing Millennium Development Goals.

The diplomat highlighted that Vietnam has behaved properly in relations with world powers and shown loyalty to traditional friends as well as all nations around the globe. Therefore, they see Vietnam not only as a responsible country but also a trustworthy friend with proper behaviours, he stated.

“I think that these are the three major factors helping Vietnam receives high evaluation at multilateral forums, especially the UN,” he said.

Highlighting the important role and achievements of the UN over the past 75 years, Ambassador Quy said that the UN created common play rules with more than 100 conventions and about 580 international treaties, which construct the backbone of international law, regulating the behaviours of all countries and parties engaging in international activities.

The UN has been successful in orienting development policies for countries, including the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals, said Ambassador Quy. Through the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN has implemented schemes to support countries, especially poor and underdeveloped ones, he noted.

He added that UN has also gained great achievements in security, pointing to its significant role in preventing a third world war and control mass destruction weapons.

Regarding Vietnam’s contributions to the UN, the diplomat said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had described Vietnam as a strong partner of the UN in his greeting message to Vietnam on the occasion of the country’s 75th National Day.

From a beneficiary from UN programmes, Vietnam has now started to contribute to the UN, including in resources.

“We have not only engaged in the area of development but have also been hailed by the UN as ‘a model for developing countries and those rising from poor and war-torn ones,” he stated.

In the area of security, Vietnam has actively involved in UN peacekeeping operations and received high evaluation. Vietnam has also joined in the highest policy-deciding mechanisms of the UN such as the UN Security Council, he noted.

He said that Vietnam successfully completed its duties in the previous tenure in the UN Security Council, and during this tenure, the country has been seen as an active partner, playing both roles as ASEAN Chair and a non-permanent member of the council.

The UN Secretary General also commented that Vietnam is performing well in completing the country’s mission, said the ambassador./.

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