The partnership aims to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment,contributing to supporting women’s comprehensive development, especially thosein rural areas.
The content of cooperation focuses on three key areas, including improving thecompetency of women and Women’s Union staff at all levels; assisting women inbuilding a family with a safe house, a sustainable livelihood, good health,knowledge, and meeting certain sanitation criteria; and carrying out charityand social security activities.
The close cooperation between the union and Nestlé in the 2020-2022 perioddelivered many positive outcomes in empowering women and contributing to genderequality.
As of October 2022, a total of 20 provinces and cities across the country havecoordinated to implement the "Nestlé accompanies women" programme,providing training on nutrition and on building a happy and healthy lifestyleto 8,000 women, helping 1.2 million households to access knowledge about nutritionand assisting 3,000 members in starting and retaining a business.
These achievements are setting a firm foundation upon which the cooperativerelationship between the two sides can be further promoted in the next fiveyears.
Ton Ngo Hanh, vice president of Vietnam Women’s Union, said in order to promotethe results achieved in the past period, the Vietnam Women's Union and NestléVietnam agreed to continue implementing the “Nestlé accompanies women"programme.
“I believe that the strategic cooperation between the two sides will contributeto empower women and improve the professionalism and the effectiveness of theorganisation," Hanh said.
“From the very first days of our presence in Vietnam, in parallel withpromoting sustainable development, women's empowerment and gender equality isone of Nestlé's top priorities,” Binu Jacob, managing director of NestléVietnam, said. “The strategic cooperation agreement with the Vietnam Women'sUnion for the next five years once again affirms Nestlé Vietnam's long-termcommitment in joining hands to promote gender equality and empower women, andtake care of health, nutrition, and safety for women and children in Vietnam.”/.