Theannouncement was made by Chairwoman of Tay Ninh’s Provincial People’sCommittee Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy in a video conference with representativesof three border districts of Tan Bien, Tan Chau and Chau Thanh on June5.
The bridge will be named Mon Chay, has a totalinvestment of 40 billion VND, including a 1.5-km-road connecting Road791. It is located in Tan Nam village in Tan Binh commune, Tan Biendistrict, spanning across the river to Cambodia ’s Prey Veng province,some 120 km east of Phnom Penh .
In order tocreate a convenient trading area for border residents, Tay Ninh is alsodeveloping a border market on road 791 in Tan Phu commune, only 10 kmfrom the Mon Chay bridge.-VNA