The plants would have a combined capacityto process 12.8 million tonnes of waste each year, said Truc, who isalso deputy director of Hanoi-based Technology Trading and InvestmentConsultancy Co.
"We are negotiating with authorities inHanoi and Hai Duong province in an attempt to begin construction on twofacilities here next year," Truc said, noting that the sites foradditional facilities would focus on other areas with a minimum demandfor waste treatment of 300 tonnes per day, such as the cities of HCMCity, Can Tho and Hai Phong, and the provinces of Thanh Hoa, Binh Dinh,An Giang and Dong Nai.
ReCycled Refuse International Groupwas also seeking investment opportunities here in ethanol production,composite tyre disposal and recycling, and seawater desalinisation, Trucsaid.
Under regulations on public-private partnerships(PPP), the Government can invest up to 30 percent in projects in ninesectors, including environment and waste treatment.
Private partners, meanwhile, would receive corporate income taxpreferences and exemptions from land use fees on land use rightsallocated by the State. Imported materials or equipment needed to carryout the projects would also receive import tax preferences consistentwith current regulations under the Law on Import and Export Taxes./.