Total social investment in KBang district over the last 5 years has reached over 121,000 USD. District leaders have decided to develop its agro-forestry economy combined with tourism, and it is expanding its area of intensive farming under GAP and VietGAP standards. The total area of fruit trees this year stands at more than 1,100 ha - more than double the figure from 5 years ago.
In the context of Vietnam’s integration and development, farmers in KBang district have established groups and cooperatives with the goal of exchanging experience in the production and consumption of products while creating jobs for rural workers.
To comprehensively and sustainably develop the locality’s economy, since 2016 Kbang district has attracted 16 investment projects with total investment of nearly 17.3 million USD, which has helped cut the local poverty rate by 3 to 5 percent annually. The locality is also striving to reduce the household poverty rate to below 7 percent by the end of this year./.