New points expected to be applied in the 2019 university entrance

The Ministry of Education and Training has planned to adjust the university entrance exam admission regulations in 2019 with new points such as changing the priority policy, among others.
New points expected to be applied in the 2019 university entrance ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) -
Universities which organise specialized competency examination must publish sample exam questions and adjust the regional priority regime, stipulate separate floor points with the medical programme group which grants practice certificates. Those are noticeable highlights in the draft amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the regulation on regular enrollment of university students.

Universities hold separate exam must have sample exam paper

According to the draft, universities, colleges must have prequalification procedures; schools that hold assessments of specialized competency or have aptitude tests combined with the national high school exam results ( referred to as special schools) must publicized on their school’s  website and other mass media about time of submission  and application documents.

The school must also announce procedures and conditions for prequalification. For schools that hold specialized competency assessments, they must announce the method of exam administration and exam questions.

Adjusting priority policies with students in disadvantaged communes

The draft also revises regulations on regional priority policies. Accordingly, students in disadvantaged villages and communes will not enjoy the priority of the area according to permanent residence registration in previous years. Determining the priority area will depend on the candidate's study location.

Candidates who study continuously and graduate from high school in any area will enjoy priorities which are regulated by that area.

New points expected to be applied in the 2019 university entrance ảnh 2Candidates sit for the national high school exam (Photo:VNA)

More specific policy priorities for military personnel

The draft also provides more specific priority policies for military personnel. Regulations on university entrance in 2018 stipulated that "Military personnel; officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers on duty in the People's Police are sent to the exam, if are stationed from 18 months or more in any area, they will enjoy priority by that area or follow permanent residence before joining the army, depending on which region has higher priority, if under 18 months, they will be entitled for regional priority according to permanent residence before enlistment.

The new draft adds: "If the student stays from 18 months or more in different priority areas, he or she will be entitled priority according to the area with longer staying times.

Medical sector has it own enrollment mark

Another important new point in the Draft is that the Ministry of Education and Training will determine the threshold of input quality assurance with branches of learning in the health sector that grant practice certificates.

In 2018, the setting up of the entry point threshold is applied only to the pedagogical sector. Thus, in the enrollment season of 2019, there will be two groups of subjects which have their own enrollment marks for the schools to develop the admission plan.

The quality assurance threshold for admission based on the results of high school education to enter teacher training and health sector which are granted practicing certificates is as follows:

For teacher training, tertiary education, enrollment is applied for high school graduates with excellent grade 12 qualifications. Particularly in the areas of music education, arts education, physical education, sports training, enrolling students graduating from high schools at grade 12 with good or higher academic result.

For pedagogical secondary school or college level, recruiting students graduating from high schools with grade 12’s good or higher academic result. Particularly in music pedagogy, art pedagogy, physical education (college), sports and physical education (intermediate), recruiting high school graduates with average academic result of grade 12.

For branches in the health sector which are granted university-level practice certificates, enrolling students graduating from high school  with good academic result of grade 12 for the medical and traditional medicine disciplines and dentomaxillofacial branch. Enrolling students graduating from high school with the grade 12 education rankings fairly good for the remaining branches.-VNA


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