Nhan Dan newspaper delegation visits Cuba

A delegation from Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper led by its Deputy Editor-in-Chief Pha Huy Hien visited Cuba from October 12-18, at the invitation of Granma, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Cuba.
Hanoi (VNA) – A delegation from Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper led by its Deputy Editor-in-Chief Phan Huy Hien visited Cuba from October 12-18, at the invitation of Granma, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Cuba.

During the visit, Hien had a working session with Editor-in-Chief of Granma Pelayo Cuervo, during which they discussed the exchange of information between the two newspapers.

They shared experience in developing their online newspaper and building a TV channel to become a multimedia press agency, and discussed methods for assisting Nhan Dan in launching a Spanish-language online newspaper.

Hien then met with Joel Suarez, head of the Ideological Department under the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and J.Aguilera, deputy head of the Cuban Party Central Committee’s Department for Foreign Relations. They expressed their hope that Nhan Dan newspaper will continue reporting on Cuba.

During its stay, the Nhan Dan newspaper delegation also met with leaders of the Cuban Journalists’ Association, the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association, and visited President Ho Chi Minh’s statue at Peace Park and the Jose Marti relic site in Havana.-VNA

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