Havana (VNA) – A delegation of the VietnamJournalists’ Association (VJA) led by its President Thuan Huu paid a workingvisit to Cuba from September 18-25, with the purpose of exchange experience inpress management and development.
During its stay, the delegation had a working session withthe Cuban Journalists’ Association (UPEC) led by its acting President AixaHevia.
Aixa Hevia stressed the importance of professional trainingand improving journalists’ ethics.
He said new tools and expanded scope of press activitiespose challenges to journalists while also bringing more opportunities for them.
Thuan Huu, who is a member of the Party Central Committeeand Editor-in-chief of Nhan dan (People) newspaper, shared the VJA’s experiencein inspecting the observance of regulations related to professional ethics andprotecting journalists’ legitimate rights and interests.
Thuan Huu proposed the VJA, which is currently President of the Confederationof ASEAN Journalists, and the UPEC, which is Vice President of the LatinAmerican Federation of Journalists, work as a bridge to develop ties betweenthe two regional associations.
The VJA delegation also met Jose Ramon Balaguer Cabrera,head of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee’s Department for ExternalRelations, and several Cuban journalists who are parliamentarians.
The delegation also visited and had working sessions withleaders of Granma and Juventud Rebelde newspapers, Prensa Latina news agency, RadioRebelde and José Marti International Press Academy.-VNA