Havana (VNA) – The Vietnam GeneralConfederation of Labour (VGCL) and the Central Union of Cuban Workers (CTC)have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on specific activities to promotethe bilateral relations.
The signing took place at talks betweenPresident of the VGCL Bui Van Cuong and Secretary General of the CTC UlisesGuilarte de Nacimiento as part of Cuong’s visit to Cuba from September 22-24.
The visit aims to exchange experience andinformation in trade union activities with Cuba, thus contributing to deepeningthe special solidarity between Vietnam and Cuba, Cuong said.
Guilarte de Nacimiento expressed his pleasure towelcome the VGCL delegation and took the occasion to thank the VietnameseParty, State and workers for supporting Cuban people in the past and atpresent.
The VGCL President presented 25,000 USD in cashand computer sets to Cuban workers affected by the recent storm Irma.
In an interview granted to the Worker weeklynewspaper, the mouthpiece of CTC, Cuong highlighted the special bond betweenthe two countries’ people and workers, which was nurtured by Presidents Ho ChiMinh and Fidel Castro Ruz.
He expressed his readiness to share experiencewith Cuba to develop trade unions in non-State economic sectors where the VGCLattaches great importance to protecting the legitimate rights and interests ofworkers, ensuring social welfare, fair wages, labour safety, workingenvironment conditions, and entertainment rights.
During his visit to Cuba, Cuong also met withhead of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee’s Department of ExternalRelations Jose Ramon Balaguer Cabrera.-VNA