Northwest Steering Committee tours Lai Chau

The northwestern province of Lai Chau has so far this year met or surpassed the targets in many sectors, local leaders reported to the Steering Committee for the Northwestern region at a meeting on August 22.

The northwestern province of Lai Chau has so far this year met or surpassed the targets in many sectors, local leaders reported to the Steering Committee for the Northwestern region at a meeting on August 22.

They said rice and corn cultivation acreages and outputs have been much higher than projected, while industrial production and state budget collection have also exceeded the plan. The province has maintained political security, social order and safety and the country’s border sovereignty.

The provincial leaders also said local people have eagerly commented on the draft revisions of the 1992 Constitution and draft amendments to the Land Law. The campaign of studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s moral example has also received warm response in the locality. Officials at all levels have seriously carried out criticism and self-criticism in line with the Party Central Committee’s resolution on Party building.

However, the province is likely to miss the set targets in afforestation, animal husbandry and building new-style rural areas.

Speaking at the meeting, Le Van Lan, deputy head of the steering committee, encouraged Lai Chau to build on the achievements while continuing to work to correct weaknesses and limitations in the coming time.

He agreed with the province’s proposals on the building of several infrastructure projects including a highway connecting Hanoi and Lai Chau town and the Ma Lu Thang border gate, and Lai Chau airport.

The official also backed Lai Chau in applying some specific incentives to encourage afforestation, rubber tree planting, and population settlements in order to stimulate economic development and strengthen national defence and security.

Other delegates contributed their opinions to the province’s vocational training, policies towards ethnic groups as well as potential risk hindering its efforts in ensuring national security and defence.-VNA

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