Washington DC (VNA) – Vietnamese Ambassador to theUS Pham Quang Vinh and local officials highly valued the outcomes andachievements of their countries’ relations in 2017 at a banquet held onFebruary 28.
The banquet, hosted by Vinh on the occasion ofthe Vietnamese Lunar New Year, was attended by Acting Assistant Secretary ofState for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Susan Thornton, Deputy AssistantSecretary of State for Southeast Asia Patrick Murphy, and some others from theUS Department of State.
Highlighting bilateral ties last year,Ambassador Vinh and his guests noted a visit to the US by Vietnamese PrimeMinister Nguyen Xuan Phuc in May and a trip to the Southeast Asian nation by USPresident Donald Trump in November.
Thornton affirmed that her country alwaysattaches importance to the cooperation and partnership with Vietnam, in bothbilateral aspects and regional and international issues of common concern.
She and Ambassador Vinh agreed to continuepromoting the two countries’ relations in all fields in 2018, thus helping toimplement high-level agreements and enhance the Vietnam-US comprehensivepartnership.
The Vietnamese Embassy and the US Department ofState will also keep close coordination to support the countries’ cooperationactivities, they added.
On the occasion of the Lunar New Year, Vinhoffered the best wishes to Acting Assistant Secretary of State Susan Thornton,Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Patrick Murphy, and the staff of the USdepartment.-VNA