Participants at the workshop discussed challengesof the sector, especially during installation, operation and removalactivities, and associated safety risks to the seaborne activities.
They also put forward measures to boost regional cooperation in orderto ensure security and safety for oil rigs and offshore installations.
The workshop was jointly held by the Diplomatic Academy of Vientam and Singaporean and Australian CSCAP representatives.
The hosting of the workshop, held for the first time, highlightedVietnam ’s role in CSCAP as well as in regional cooperation to ensuresecurity and safety for offshore oil and gas installations, and maritimesafety.
It is expected to help enhance Vietnam’s prestige in dealing with regional and global issues, showing thecountry’s active involvement in the international integration process.
CSCAP was established on June 8, 1993 in Kuala Lumpurwith the aim of building and boosting trust and security cooperationamong regional countries and territories via an informal diplomaticchannel between scholars and research institutes.
Sinceits establishment, the organisation has hosted many workshops andconducted significant research on regional security.
Recommendations of its study groups will be transferred to formaldiplomatic channels, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum, for policy-makingconsiderations.
As a CSCAP member, Vietnam has implemented its duties with full responsibilities in the spirit of the CSCAP Charter.
In the past three years, Vietnam was appointed co-chair of theCSCAP study group on countering the proliferation of weapons of massdestruction and hosted three group meetings in Vietnam .
Vietnam has also proposed the establishment of study groups onwater-source protection, the first meeting of which is expected to beheld in early 2011./.