Online Friday 2017 to return in December

Online Friday, the biggest annual event for e-commerce businesses and consumers, will return on the first Friday of December this year with a series of huge discounts.
Online Friday 2017 to return in December ảnh 1Online Friday 2017 to return in December (Source internet)

Hanoi (VNA) –
Online Friday, the biggest annual event for e-commerce businesses and consumers, will return on the first Friday of December this year with a series of huge discounts.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Vietnam E-Commerce and Information Technology Agency said consumers will be able to shop and interact with enterprises via online and offline events.

Outstanding exhibitors include Adayroi, Lazada, Shopee, Nagakawa, Sunhouse, FPT, Anbico, Sendo, Badasa, Leflair. Banks and delivery firms will also be a part of the event.

The organising board will build strict registration process and enhance inspections to ensure product quality.

Last year, the event featured more than 3,000 businesses with 200,000 discounted products.-VNA

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