Japan remains the largest recipient with 47,215 guest workers, followedby Taiwan (China) 41,654, the Republic of Korea (RoK) 1,944, China 1,163,Hungary 1,002, Singapore 964, and Romania 627.
In August alone, more than12,000 went to work overseas under contracts, including 6,076 to Japan, 4,698 toTaiwan, 200 to Hungary, 164 to Singapore, 145 to the RoK, 139 to China, and 90to Romania, statistics show.
Japan has remained the topdestination of Vietnamese guest workers in recent years.
The two countries have coordinated tocarry out a project helping Vietnamese workers seek suitable jobs in Japan andaccess employment information after returning to the homeland. They also assist businesses to seek manpower for their vacancies. To protect workers’ interestsin Japan, the MoLISA has also signed cooperation agreements with many Japaneseprefectures such as Chiba, Saitama, Gunma, Kanagawa, and Nagano, the ministrysaid.
In 2023, aside from sustainingtraditional markets like Japan, Taiwan and the RoK, the MoLISA has also movedto explore new ones for Vietnamese workers. In early August, it had a meetingwith the Greek union of agricultural cooperatives to discuss cooperation insending Vietnamese to work in agriculture in this country./.