At the meeting co-chaired by NA ChairmanVuong Dinh Hue and visiting Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav ViktorovichVolodin, the two sides heard a report on economic, trade, scientific,and technical collaboration between the two nations presented by theInter-Governmental Committee on Economic, Trade and Scientific-TechnologicalCooperation’s Vietnam sub-committee.
Delegates discussed and assessed theimplementation of cooperation agreements between Vietnam and Russia, and sharedexperience related to the promulgation of policies and laws to promotecooperation in terms of politics, economy, trade, investment, energy,transportation, finance and banking, science-technology, digital transformation,information-communication, education-training, culture, and tourism.
The two sides affirmed the crucial role of parliamentarycooperation in strengthening and advancing the comprehensive strategicpartnership between Vietnam and Russia.
They agreed to work closely at international and regionalforums; and consider coordinating in monitoring and promoting the implementationof cooperation agreements signed between the two countries.
The two legislative bodies reached an agreement on enhancing theexchange of information, policies, and laws related to the digital economy,development and management of cyberspace, and high technology.
The top legislators acknowledged cooperationresults between Vietnam and Russia in recent times, while valuing the practical and effective agenda of the meeting.
The Russian legislative leader took theoccasion to invite Chairman Hue to pay an official visit to Russia and co-chairthe third meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Committee./.