Party Chief meets with Hanoi voters

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong joined National Assembly members in Hanoi in a meeting with voters from Ba Dinh, Hoan Kiem and Tay Ho districts on March 8.
Party Chief meets with Hanoi voters ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets voters from Ba Dinh district (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong joined National Assembly members in Hanoi in a meeting with voters from Ba Dinh, Hoan Kiem and Tay Ho districts on March 8.

Most of the voters lauded the outcomes of the last 12 th National Party Congress, saying that guidelines and policies set forth at the congress have received the consensus of the people.

However, they also voiced their concern about issues related to the signing of bilateral and multilateral agreements with foreign partners, suggesting that it is necessary to have appropriate measures in place to manage the domestic market and improve the competitiveness of Vietnamese goods.

They stressed the need to promote equitisation of State-owned enterprises, and adopt preferential policies for the private sector, especially those concerning capital and land leasing, in order to facilitate private firms’ development.

More drastic measures are needed to repel corruption and wastefulness, voters said, noting that efforts should be strengthened to improve the quality of inspectors at all levels, aiming to create a breakthrough in anti-corruption.

They also voiced their opinions of the draft revised Press Law, stressing the necessity to enhance management of individual web pages, to prevent the exploitation of these sites to publish anti-State and Party progpaganda.

Along with raising the role of journalists, it needs to clearly define the responsibilities of agencies and organisations in providing information for the media, and have strict punishments for actions obstructing press activities, voters said.

The voters also worried about food safety, and the increasing prevalence of cancers.

Acknowledging voters’ opinions, the Party chief said their ideas and suggestions will help NA deputies do their duties better.

In his reply related to the coming elections of the 13th NA and People's Councils at all levels , the Party Chief said he agrees with the voters on the need to select meritorious candidates.

Voters should promote democracy and responsibility to wisely choose and elect the most worthy candidates in this important political event, he stressed.-VNA


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