Leaders meet Hanoi NA deputies of different generations

National Assembly (NA) deputies from the first to the eight tenures of Hanoi gathered at a meeting on January 3 to mark the 70th anniversary of Vietnam’s first General Election (January 6, 1946).
Leaders meet Hanoi NA deputies of different generations ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets with Hanoi NA deputies (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – National Assembly (NA) deputies from the first to the eight tenures of Hanoi gathered at a meeting on January 3 to mark the 70th anniversary of Vietnam’s first General Election (January 6, 1946).

Attending the event were Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, former Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, among others.

On January 6, 1946, in response to President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal, Vietnamese people, regardless of their gender, social class or religion, took part in a general election to elect Vietnam’s first National Assembly by a democratic, equitable and direct ballot.

This extremely important event was set in the country’s history as an important milestone, marking a great step-forward in the country’s democratic institution and ushering in a new period of national development.

Over the past seven decades with 13 tenures, the National Assembly has marched together with the nation and carried forward its role and position as the people’s highest representative agency and the country’s most powerful body in line with the Constitution and the law, significantly contributing to national liberation, reunification, construction and defence.

During the 2011-2016 term, Hanoi was among the two centrally-run localities with the highest number of NA deputies.

Over the past five years, the capital’s NA deputies have made significant contributions to the country’s legislative development. They collected feedback on 93 draft laws and resolutions, and organised 543 meetings with voters.

Recalling the legislature’s 70-year history, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung stressed the importance of Hanoi’s NA deputy delegation to which late President Ho Chi Minh and generations of the Party and State leaders were members.

He used the occasion to pay tribute to generations of the city’s NA deputies for their noted contributions to laying the foundations for the legislative body’s operations.

Hailing their performance over the past 70 years, especially during the 13 th tenure, the NA chief said he hopes they will continue to contribute to the country’s renewal cause as well as the capital’s construction and development, meeting the aspirations of voters nationwide.-VNA


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