Party chief praises military intelligence force’s achievements

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on December 19 paid a working visit to the Department of Military Intelligence under the Ministry of National Defence, during which he lauded the force’s good performance in recent years.
Party chief praises military intelligence force’s achievements ảnh 1Party Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on December 19 paid a working visit to the Department of Military Intelligence under the Ministry of National Defence, during which he lauded the force’s good performance in recent years. 

The Party chief, who is also Secretary of the Central Military Commission, affirmed the military intelligence is credible and essential force of the Party, State and army. 

Over the past years, the force has continuously grown up and excellently fulfilled all its assigned tasks, he said.

It has provided accurate information and predictions as well as given timely advice to leaders of the Party, State and army on policy-making, contributing to the national construction and defence, he added. 

Analysing the complicated developments in the region and the world, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong underlined the need to give due attention to ensuring the national security and defence along with the socio-economic development.  

He highlighted the Party’s viewpoint of building a regular, elite and modern revolutionary army with combined strength and high combating level while maintaining and enhancing the absolute and direct leadership of the Party over the army.

The Party chief urged the department to continue well performing its role as a strategic intelligence agency of the Party and State, and a specialised intelligence agency of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence.-VNA

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