The commissionconcluded that the Party civil affairs committee at the Ministry of Industryand Trade (MoIT) had violated the principle of democratic centralism andworking regulations, showed a lack of responsibility and relaxed leadership, lettingthe ministry and many organisations and individuals violate the Party’s rulesand the State’s laws in advisory work and issuance of mechanisms for solar andwind power development as well as for the trading and management of oil andpetrol supplies; in the implementation of the adjusted 7th NationalPower Plan; the management of the price stabilisation fund; the drafting,evaluation, approval, bidding organisation and implementation ofprojects/bidding packages by the AIC company. Many officials and Party membershave been disciplined or subject to criminal prosecution.
According to thecommission, those violations and mistakes are attributable to the Party civilaffairs committee at the MoIT in the 2016-2021 and 2021-2026 tenures, thestanding boards of the Party Committees of the ministry and relateddepartments, as well as the ministry’s many officials, including Tran Tuan Anh,Politburo member, head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission,former Secretary of the Party civil affairs committee at the MoIT and formerMinister of the MoIT; Do Thang Hai, member of the the Party civil affairscommittee at the MoIT and Deputy Minister of the MoIT; Hoang Quoc Vuong,Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Members’ Council of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), former member of the Party civil affairs committee at the MoITand former Deputy Minister of the MoIT; and Nguyen Anh Tuan, member of theParty civil affairs committee at the MoIT, Vice Secretary of the ministry’sParty Committee and head of the ministry’s Department of Organisation andPersonnel; among others.
To be blamed for theabove-said violations and mistakes are also the standing board of the PartyCommittee of the Vietnam Electricity in the 2015 - 2020, 2020 – 2025 tenuresand a number of officials, including Trinh Dinh Dung, former member of theParty Central Committee, former Deputy Prime Minister; Mai Tien Dung, former memberof the Party Central Committee, former Minister-Chairman of the Government’sOffice; Duong Quang Thanh, former Chairman of the Members’ Council of VietnamElectricity; Tran Dinh Nhan, former General Director of Vietnam Electricity,and some other officials, the commission said.
The above-saidviolations have caused serious consequences with possible huge losses of theState’s funding and assets and waste of social resources, negatively affectingthe prestige of the Party organisation and State agencies, that calls for disciplinary measures.
The InspectionCommission required the Party civil affairs at the MoIT and Party committees andorganisations at related ministries, sectors, localities and agencies toconduct review, define the specific responsibilities and decide disciplinarymeasures regarding the said Party organisations and members, and report theresults to the commission.
The commission alsodecided to expel Luu Binh Nhuong, former deputy head of the National Assembly’sOmbudsman Committee, from the Party for showing degradation in politicalideology, morality and lifestyle, violating the Party’s regulations and theState’s laws and abusing his position and power for personal gains.
The outcomes ofinspections of some Party organisations and Party members were also tabled fordiscussion at the meeting. The commission requested that those Partyorganisations and Party members continue to uphold their strong points and drawlessons from the mistakes and violations uncovered during the inspections./.