Party leader calls for Yangon’s stronger ties with Vietnam localities

Party leader calls for Yangon’s stronger ties with Vietnamese localities

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received Yangon Region Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein on August 25, noting that the Myanmar region, full of economic, cultural and tourism potential, should boost cooperation in these fields with not only Ho Chi Minh City but also Hanoi and other big cities of Vietnam.
Party leader calls for Yangon’s stronger ties with Vietnamese localities ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Yangon Region Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein on August 25 (Photo: VNA)

Yangon (VNA) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received Yangon Region Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein on August 25, noting that the Myanmar region, full of economic, cultural and tourism potential, should boost cooperation in these fields with not only Ho Chi Minh City but also Hanoi and other big cities of Vietnam.

The Party leader, who is on a State visit to Myanmar, highlighted the elevation of Vietnam-Myanmar relations to a comprehensive cooperative partnership, considering this a new landmark and a new opportunity to promote bilateral ties in all spheres as well as coordination at regional and international forums.

He expressed his hope that the two countries’ sectors, authorities at all levels and localities will adhere to that common orientation.

Myanmar and Yangon in particular should also create more favourable conditions for Vietnamese investors to do business, thus bringing about practical benefits to both sides, the General Secretary said.

At the meeting, Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein said the relationship between Yangon and HCM city is very close. Many investors from Vietnam’s southern hub have come to Yangon to do business.

The increasing number of Vietnamese investors in Yangon, as well as Myanmar, promises a bright future for the two countries’ relations, he noted, thanking Vietnamese firms for their investment and business activities which have contributed to the development of his region and country.

The official added the Yangon administration is calling for investment and will provide favourable conditions for more investors to come to the region.

Yangon will continue cooperating closely with HCM City and expanding ties with other localities of Vietnam, he said.

Within the framework of the Vietnamese Party leader’s visit, Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long met with the Attorney General of Myanmar while Deputy Defence Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh paid a courtesy call to the Commander-in-chief of the Myanmar Armed Forces.-VNA

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