Party leader greatly contributes to cause of protecting national security, public order, social safety: Minister

Member of the Party Central Committee and Minister of Public Security, Sen. Lt. Gen. Luong Tam Quang recently wrote an article highlighting great contributions by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the cause of national security protection and social order and safety assurance.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visits, inspects combat readiness of the Mobile Police Command (Ministry of Public Security), on January 2, 2016. (Photo: VNA)
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visits, inspects combat readiness of the Mobile Police Command (Ministry of Public Security), on January 2, 2016. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Member of the Party Central Committee and Minister of Public Security, Sen. Lt. Gen. Luong Tam Quang recently wrote an article highlighting great contributions by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the cause of national security protection and social order and safety assurance.

The article said Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a talented, steadfast, and exemplary leader of the Party and State, a shining example of great personality, industriousness, intelligence, humane character, tolerant and compassionate heart, who has dedicated his life to the goals and ideals of the Party and the happiness of the people. He is beloved, respected, and highly regarded by the people and admired by international friends.

According to the artile, the life of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is closely tied to the glorious and pridewworthy renewal cause of the Party and people. He continuously studied and followed the ideology, morality, and lifestyle of President Ho Chi Minh, and always exemplified pioneering and exemplary character and preserved the solidarity and unity of the Party, and his love for compatriots and comrades, thus consistently strengthening the close relationship between the Party and the people, and promoting the great national solidarity.

The Party leader steadfastly and creatively applied Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought, firmly adhering to national independence and socialism, and the policy of Doi Moi (renewal).

Along with the Party Central Committee, he supplemented and perfected the Party's theory of innovation, socialism, and the path to socialism in Vietnam, thus connecting ideologies and actions throughout the entire Party, the entire people and the entire military to successfully implement the resolutions, directives, and conclusions of the Party Central Committee, helping Vietnam have the unprecedented "potential, fortune, position and international prestige" as today.

For safeguarding national security and ensuring social order and safety, one of the consistent viewpoints in comrade Nguyen Phu Trong's strategic guidance thinking is to firmly grasp the situation, absolutely not to be passive or surprised, especially in terms of strategy; create clear changes in social order and safety for the peaceful and happy life of the people; always maintain and strengthen the Party's leadership "regardless of circumstances and conditions", and be steadfast in the principle that the People's Public Security must always put itself under the Party's absolute and direct leadership in all aspects. This is an objective and inevitable requirement for the mission of safeguarding security and order.

He has also paid attention to directing the work of building and perfecting laws on security and order. The leader repeatedly emphasised that under the Party's leadership, the Party's policies and viewpoints on tasks related to security and order must be institutionalised through legal documents and implemented through state management mechanisms, the article said.

To ensure that the people's public security force successfully fulfills all political tasks, worthy of being a reliable support of the Party, the State, and the people, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also a member of the Standing Commission of the Central Public Security Party Committee, has paid special heed to directing the work of building a truly clean and strong People's Public Security force.

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Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong visits military equipment exhibition at the political-military conference in 2018 (Photo: VNA).

The Party leader emphasised the requirement to strengthen political and ideological education, cultivating communist ideal, and enhancing the study of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought, considering building political integrity and absolute loyalty to the Party and the nation as the goal of education and training.

He advised the People's Public Security force to always remember, engrave in their mind, and implement the truth "For the sake of the country and people, forget yourself", “As for the Party, there is still me”, and "Honour is the most noble sacred thing”. Police officers and soldiers were required to constantly follow and implement the six virtues Uncle Ho taught: upholding pioneering, exemplary, and responsibility for the Party and the people; always keep them pure and steadfast; and under no circumstances should one abuse power to infringe upon the democratic rights of the people.

The reality of the revolution showed that the Party leader clearly recognised the great role of the people in the cause of security and order protection. He always reminded the People's Public Security Force to stay close to the people and win their increasing trust and have their increasing support. The minister stressed that the force must keep in mind President Ho Chi Minh's teachings to always serve the people and rely on the people, while staying loyal to, respecting and showing love to the people, as well as listening to the people and protecting their interest. The Party chief stressed the need for solidarity and close coordination between the force and the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) like two wings of a bird, thus protecting and maintaining peace, stability for national development. Under the leadership of the Party and State, thoroughly understanding and implementing the directions and teachings of the Party leader, the whole People's Public Security Force has been a solidarity bloc with unity in will, ideology and actions, while remaining strong solidarity with the VPA, ministries, sector,s and localities as well as the international partners, promoting the glorious tradition of the force, overcoming all difficulties and completing all assigned tasks. The achievements and victories of the force were recognised by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who affirmed that “at any time, even when it is difficult or challenging, the People's Public Security force has always shown absolute loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland and the People; steadfastly performing well the function of advising the Party and State, closely coordinating with sectors and localities, especially closely coordinating and synergising with the Vietnam People's Army to firmly protect the national independence, sovereignty and maintain national security, social order and safety, safeguarding the peaceful life of the people, and creating a peaceful and stable environment to build and develop the country.” The instructions delivered by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong for the cause of protecting national security and ensuring social order and safety will continue to be promoted by the People's Public Security force in all fields of work, thus fighting and building a truly pure, strong, regular, elite, and modern force. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a shining example for generations of People's Public Security officers and soldiers to respect, study, practice, and follow forever. The images of the leader - a true communist with a kind heart, who devoted his life for the country and the people - will remain forever in the minds of the people and officers and soldiers of the People's Police force./.


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