Party leader praises John Kerry’s contribution to VN-US ties

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong gave a reception for US Secretary of State John Kerry in Hanoi on August 7.
Party leader praises John Kerry’s contribution to VN-US ties ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (right) receives US Secretary of State John Kerry

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong gave a reception for US Secretary of State John Kerry in Hanoi on August 7, where he praised Kerry’s contributions to the Vietnam-US ties over the past years as well as his role in important diplomatic activities between the two countries recently.

Lauding the outcomes of the US Secretary of State’s talks and meeting with Vietnamese officials, the Party chief stressed the need for maintaining regular high-level meetings and contacts between the two sides for deeper mutual understanding and bolstering the implementation of bilateral comprehensive partnership.

The Party leader acknowledged the efforts as well as goodwill and constructive attitude of both the Vietnamese and US negotiation teams for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which he said helped facilitate talks for the deal.

He affirmed Vietnam ’s policy of continuing collaborating closely with the US and other sides for the early conclusion of the negotiations, meeting the interest of all involving parties.

The Party chief also lauded the positive contributions of the US and the Secretary of State to the recent ASEAN Regional Forum and related activities, contributing to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

John Kerry said his visit is part of activities marking the 20 th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties, as well as part of efforts to realise agreements reached by top leaders of both countries.

The US attaches much importance to relations with Vietnam which it considers an important partner in the region, he stated, adding that his country will work hard to carry out commitments with Vietnam in prioritised areas in accordance with the Joint Statement on Comprehensive Partnership in 2013 as well as the recent Joint Vision Statement.

He expressed belief that the bilateral ties will continue flourish in the future for the interest of both countries as well as for peace, stability, cooperation and progress in the region and the world.

During the meeting, the US official also mentioned the US’ position on the East Sea issue, the situation of TPP negotiations as well as a number of planned steps in the future for the finalisation of the important deal.-VNA


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