Party Organisation of Central Agencies Bloc opens 12th congress

The Party Organisation of the Central Agencies Bloc (CAB) convened the 12th congress for the 2015 – 2020 tenure in Hanoi on October 14.
Party Organisation of Central Agencies Bloc opens 12th congress ảnh 1NPresident Truong Tan Sang speaks at the 12th congress of the CAB Party Organisation (Photo: VNA)

The Party Organisation of the Central Agencies Bloc (CAB) convened the 12th congress for the 2015 – 2020 tenure in Hanoi on October 14.

The CAB Party Organisation comprises 63 subordinate Party organisations of strategic bodies playing advisory and macro-managerial roles for the Party, State, Vietnam Fatherland Front and people’s organisations. They include more than 63,000 Party members and 680,000 public servants and workers, according to a political report at the congress.

The event is scheduled to review the five-year implementation outcomes of the resolution of the CAB Party Organisation’s 11th congress and set up missions for the 2015 – 2020 term.

Participants will also scrutinise and give feedback on draft documents to be submitted to the 12th National Party Congress, slated for early 2016.

Officiating at the function, Politburo member and President Truong Tan Sang lauded the CAB’s advisory efforts, especially in issues regarding “doi moi” (renovation), industrialisation, modernisation, international integration, socio-economic development, defence and security ensuring, external relations, and the reinforcement of the Party, State and political system.

The CAB Party Organisation has actively contributed to Vietnam’s success in stabilising and restructuring the macro-economy, ensuring social welfares, enhancing the country’s stature in the world, safeguarding territorial integrity, and defeating sabotage schemes of hostile forces, he stressed.

As their activities directly affect the entire political system’s operations and the national development, the Party sub-committees and members must be thoroughly aware of the role of the CAB Party Organisation as well as their responsibility towards the Party and people.

The leader tasked the CAB Party Organisation with improving the advisory capacity of its agencies, staff and Party members in order to propose the best possible guidelines and policies on socio-economic development, defence and security maintenance, sovereignty and territorial integrity protection, external relations, and Party building.

The CAB Party Organisation must also step up inspections and supervisions so as to timely deal with arising problems and violations, helping ensure discipline and unity within the Party, President Truong Tan Sang added.-VNA


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