Party Organisation of the Central Agencies’ Bloc convenes 13th congress

The 13th Congress of the Party Organisation of the Central Agencies’ Bloc opened in Hanoi on October 28, with the participation of 300 delegates representing more than 82,000 members.
Party Organisation of the Central Agencies’ Bloc convenes 13th congress ảnh 1Party Organisation of the Central Agencies’ Bloc convenes 13th congress (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - The 13th Congress of the Party Organisation of the Central Agencies’ Bloc opened in Hanoi on October 28, with the participation of 300 delegates representing more than 82,000 members.

The congress will review the performance of the Party Organisation in the 2015-2020 period and sketch out orientations, targets, tasks, and solutions for 2020-2025.

Participants will discuss documents to be submitted to the 13th National Party Congress and elect leaders of the Party Organisation for the next tenure and a delegation to the 13th National Party Congress.

Opening the congress, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Agencies’ Bloc in the 2015-2020 tenure Son Minh Thang said the Party Organisation has completed targets set in a resolution released at the previous congress.

Party building and purification has been implemented comprehensively, the leadership capacity and combativeness of Party organisations at all levels improved, and Party member quality enhanced, he said.

In the next tenure, the Party Organisation aims to promote solidarity, democracy, renovation, and creativity as well as the responsibility of Party members in maintaining a pure and strong Party Organisation.

At the same time, greater attention will be given to improvement in the quality of Party members and the completion of the Party Organisation’s structure.

Addressing the congress, Politburo member and Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission Nguyen Van Binh hailed the contributions of the Party Organisation of the Central Agencies’ Bloc to the achievements of the country over the past five years.

He advised the organisation to reform its leadership methods and speed up the implementation of the resolution on Party building, and the Politburo’s Directive No 05 on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, moral example, and lifestyle, preventing and combating signs of degradation in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle.

Binh also suggested the organisation associate Party building with the development of strong agencies in all fields, while strengthening the popularisation of Party policies among Party members on a broader scale.

Delegates also donated to a fund in support of flood-hit people in the central region.

The congress will close on October 29./.

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