Party’s External Relations Commission marks 70th traditional day

The Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations celebrated its 70th traditional day (November 1) and received the Ho Chi Minh order at a ceremony in Hanoi on November 1.
Party’s External Relations Commission marks 70th traditional day ảnh 1Politburo member and Permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong speaks at the event (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
– The Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations celebrated its 70th traditional day (November 1) and received the Ho Chi Minh order at a ceremony in Hanoi on November 1.

On behalf of the Party and State leaders, Politburo member and Permanent pember of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong presented the Order, the second highest decoration of the State, to the commission.

The commission was also honoured with the first-class Labour Order of the State of Laos presented by head of the External Relations Commission of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee Soonthorn Xayachack, and the first-class Friendship Order of the State of Cambodia presented by Permanent member of the Standing Board of the Cambodian People’s Party Central Committee Tep Ngorn.

Addressing the event, Vuong hailed the enormous and continuous contributions by the Commission over the last 70 years.

He stressed that Vietnam is entering a new stage of reforms. Aside from considerable opportunities, it also has to face major difficulties and challenges due to uncertainties and unpredictable changes in the global and regional situations which are posing big challenges in terms of political order, security, economy, law and trade that may strongly affect the country’s security and development environment.

Therefore, the diplomatic work in general and the Party’s external affairs in particular are facing increasingly heavy tasks, he noted.

Vuong asked the Commission to improve the researching, forecasting and proposing of strategies for external relations, adding that amidst the fast-changing world, it is necessary to have precise assessments and forecasts of major trends and new features of the world, the region, superpowers and neighbouring countries, particularly issues affecting Vietnam’s security and development environment, to give timely proposals to help the Politburo and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat make effective policies and responses.

The commission needs to expand and intensify the Party’s foreign relations in a suitable roadmap, enhance the Party’s ties with the ruling parties of neighbouring countries and nations with traditional friendship with Vietnam, while strengthening substantive connections with the communist and workers’ parties that play major roles in other countries and international communist and workers’ movements.

It should also participate more actively in multilateral forums of political parties, thus helping the international community better understand the Party and the reforms and development of Vietnam, he added.

At the ceremony, head of the commission Hoang Binh Quan said the Party has set up relations with 247 political parties in 111 countries, including 65 ruling parties. Its prestige and stature at many multilateral forums of political parties in the region and the world have also been increasingly affirmed.

The Party’s active performance has greatly helped promote the solidarity and unanimity of communist and workers’ forces, thereby contributing to the fight for peace, independence, progress and socialism around the globe, the official noted./.

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