Philippines: 26 killed by storm Kai-Tak

Tropical storm Kai-Tak hit the Philippines on December 16, claiming 26 lives in the central island province of Biliranin.
Philippines: 26 killed by storm Kai-Tak ảnh 1Tropical storm Kai-Tak has killed 26 in the Philippines as of December 17 (Source: Xinhua/VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Tropical storm Kai-Tak hit the Philippines on December 16, claiming 26 lives in the central island province of Biliranin.

The state weather bureau PAGASA said tropical storm Kai-Tak made landfall at Eastern Samar in Visayas around 1:30 p.m. local time, dumping rains, triggering floods and landslides in the regions.

Gust of up to 110 km per hour hit the provinces in Visayas in central Philippines and south of the Philippine main Luzon Island, PAGASA said.

Over 38,000 people were evacuated because of floods and landslide triggered by the storm in Samar and nearby Leyte island.

Thousands of passengers were stuck in ports as Coast Guard suspended ferry services.

Four years ago, Samar and Leyte islands suffered from deadly storm Haiyan. Over 7,350 people lost their lives and went missing.-VNA

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