Photo book on northern border defence war debuts

A photo book on Vietnam’s war to defend its northern border in 1979 by photographer Tran Manh Thuong has recently been introduced to the public.
Photo book on northern border defence war debuts ảnh 1Photographer Tran Manh Thuong at the launch ceremony of the book (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) –
A photo book on Vietnam’s war to defend its northern border in 1979 by photographer Tran Manh Thuong has recently been introduced to the public.

The award-winning work features 125 documentary photos in black and white on the defence war in the northern province of Cao Bang in February 1979, demonstrating the solidarity, indomitability and victory of the Vietnamese army and people.

Thuong joined a photography training course in Germany and was honoured with various awards for his works.

On February 17, 1979, China launched a large-scale attack on Vietnam’s territory along the northern borderline between the two countries from Phong Tho (Lai Chau province) to Mong Cai (Quang Ninh province).   

Thuong was the sole photojournalist present in Cao Bang on the day.

Photo book on northern border defence war debuts ảnh 2One of the most outstanding photos taken by Thuong during the defence war, featuring a female militia holding a child whose mother was gravely injured (Photo courtesy of the photographer)

Exercising their legitimate right to defence, Vietnam’s army and people fought back with great fortitude.

Suffering heavy losses without achieving the initial goal of the attack while being condemned by the world’s opinions, China withdrew all its military forces on March 18, 1979./.


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