The investment, sourced mostly fromsociety, will focus on improving infrastructure and boosting tourism tospur local economic growth and ensure the island district’s security anddefence.
The 2015-2020 phase of the plan, which waspassed on December 26, will be invested by 1.33 billion VND, while thesecond phase in 2015-2025 will use 1.5 trillion VND.
Le Quang Thich, Vice Chairman of the Ly Son People’s Committee, saidthe plan is crucial for the island district to achieve strongersocio-economic development.
He required ensuring the protection of the environment and water resources.
The plan is expected to diversify Ly Son’s tourism products that couldhelp reel in more visitors to the island, which is now connected withthe national power grid.
The island hopes to welcome40,300 visitors in 2015, earning over 41 billion VND (1.92 millionUSD). Tourism revenue of the locality is predicted to rise to nearly 99billion VND (4.65 million USD) in 2020 and 178 billion VND (8.36 millionUSD) in 2025.
The plan is expected to generate jobs for 900 people in 2015, over 1,500 in 2020 and 2,400 in 2025.-VNA