The dispatch, sent to the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, and the People’s Committee ofYen Bai, clarified that the accident occurred at 1:30pm on April 22 during the stonecrushing line repair process at the factory of the Yen Bai Cement and MineralsJSC in Yen Binh district, killing seven workers and injuring three others.
The cause of the accident was initially determined to be a problem with the crusher’s electric motor.

It is necessary to define the responsibilities of organisationsand individuals in the accident and strictly handle violations (if any), the PMstressed, asking for the strengthening of inspection and examination todiscover and handle violations of regulations on labour safety during themanufacturing of construction materials in Yen Bai, thus absolutely not lettingsimilar cases occur.
The Ministry of Public Security was requested to direct andcoordinate with the police of Yen Bai and relevant agencies to promptlyinvestigate the case and strictly handle legal violations (if any).
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Construction was asked to coordinate with theMinistry of Lalour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the People’s Committee of YenBai and relevant agencies to review regulations, standards and procedures ofexploiting and processing minerals for cement, thus fixingshortcomings and ensuring absolute safety for labourers, according to thedispatch./.