Speaking to the province’s leading officials, the leader askedthem to carry out a pandemic prevention scenario at a higher level andin a more effective manner.
He expressed his hope that local forces will strictly followregulations to safeguard the national independence, sovereignty and territorialintegrity, better pandemic prevention and control work, boost economicdevelopment and exports, and maintain and consolidate the friendship andsolidarity between Vietnam and Cambodia.
A representative of Tay Ninh proposed the Government furthersupport the province in conducting quick testing and several issues related tosocio-economic development in the coming time.

He required local authorities to encourage people tostrictly follow the Government’s directives on pandemic prevention and control.
The PM also asked the Ministry of Health to allocate 400,000 vaccinedoses needed to inoculate workers in industrial parks in Long An - the 12thlargest local-level economy in Vietnam./.