So said Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam, head of the National SteeringCommittee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, at a teleconference with thesouthern metropolis on July 10.
Socialdistancing measures under Directive 16/CT-TTghave been imposed across HCM City since July 9.
Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen ThanhPhong said the city has appealed to the entire political system and people to engage inthe efforts, with a view to expanding the “green zone” in its COVID-19 map.
Henoted that HCM City is conducting regular tests in locked-down and high-riskareas, increasing patient beds, and gearing up medical equipment and suppliesfor testing and contact tracing. It is also stepping up sample collection andenhancing the testing capacity so as to find and isolate infection cases fromthe community early.
Effortsare being made to firmly maintain “green zones” and gradually turn “red zones”into “orange” and then “yellow” zones and return to the “safe” status, Phongadded.

Asthe number of COVID-19 cases in HCM City may reach 10,000 in the next five days,the city should strive to immediately isolate infection cases from thecommunity, he recommended.
Son added that the Health Ministry has readied four plans toprovide personnel for the city. Twenty-five senior officials of the ministry have also been deployed to directly participate in the pandemicprevention and control in the districts of HCM City.
Atthe meeting, Deputy PM Dam asked the city to tighten the enforcement of socialdistancing measures under Directive 16/CT-TTg, keep the “greenzones” safe and narrow down high-risk sites.
He expressed his belief that the city will succeed in curbing the outbreak thanks to the serious directive implementationand adjustments to the contact tracing, sample collection, and testingstrategies./.