The PM affirmed that the National Assembly and governmenthave listened to public feedback and decided to postpone the approval of thedraft Law on Special Administrative – Economic Units.
Explaining the draft law, he said special administrative –economic units have been mentioned in the 2014 Constitution, adding that themodel is not new as it has been implemented successfully in many countries.
The target of the draft law is to create an institution toallow the units to attract more investment and create a growth pole fordevelopment, PM Phuc said, noting that the building process of the draft lawhad been open for opinions and the draft had been discussed at the NA’s 4th session.
The Government leader emphasized that the Land Law alreadycontains a regulation on leasing land for a maximum of 70 years in economiczones, but some bad elements used the stipulation in the draft law on SpecialAdministrative – Economic Units that the PM could consider a lease of up to 99years in special cases to serve ill purposes.
According to him, special cases must be large-scale andoutstanding projects with large investment and long capital recovery periodwhich are deemed to be needed by the country. Before being approved by the PM, suchprojects also need to be considered by many other agencies.
PM Phuc added that on June 6 and 7, he had voiced theopinion that the stipulation on 99-year land lease duration. His opinion was publishedby the media and welcomed by the public. Later on June 8, the NA decided todelay the voting on the bill in order to acquire more feedback and refine thedocument.
This demonstrates that the NA and the Government seriouslylistened to the opinions of voters and the people, he said.
However, gatherings, demonstrations, riots still occurred inseveral cities and provinces on June 10-11. Some evil-doers and opportunists,and even a number of reactionaries took advantage of democracy to incite themass in different ways to sabotage national solidarity and unity, misleading thepublic about several legal regulations, especially the draft Law on SpecialAdministrative – Economic Units and the draft Law on Cyber Security.
About the Law on Cyber Security, the PM said many countrieshave promulgated laws on cyber security. After acquiring public feedback, thelaw compiling board has adjusted the bill, allowing the placement of serversabroad but Vietnam-related data must be stored to serve management work.Accordingly, the law was approved by the legislature with nearly 87 percent ofvotes.
The PM stressed that such activities as damaging properties,opposing on-duty officers or blocking traffics affect the normal life of peopleand the investment environment of the country. He urged local authorities, agencies,officials and Party members to actively disseminate contents of the law so thatthe people could fully understand it.
The mass media should work to counter wrongful allegationsand incitement of the public, especially on the social media, thus ensuringpublic security and safety.
He took the occasion to urge the public to stay calm andvigilant, trust in the leadership of the Party and State.
The PM also answered questions regarding the construction ofcoastal roads in localities to effectively tap local socio-economic works suchas Cat Bi airport and Hai Phong international seaport, site clearance fundingin hi-tech agricultural projects, improvement of the efficiency of landmanagement, and shortcomings in public investment law.-VNA