PM gives nod to programme minimising child labour

The Prime Minister has approved a programme on preventing and minimising child labour during the 2016-2020 period.
PM gives nod to programme minimising child labour ảnh 1The Prime Minister approves a programme to minimise child labour in the country. (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Prime Minister has approved a programme on preventing and minimising child labour during the 2016-2020 period.

The programme also aims to effectively assist child labourers and vulnerable children in accessing opportunities for development.

The goals are to be achieved through raising the awareness and responsibility of governments at all levels, sectors, organisations, employers, parents and children themselves about preventing and minimising illegal child labour and risks for vulnerable children.

Communications campaigns will be designed for each target group of the programme using various forms, with special attention paid to traditional craft villages, production and business establishments, and the informal sector.

The capability of officials and employees involved in protecting, caring for and educating children at all levels will be strengthened as well.

The programme will pilot a support and intervention model to minimise child labour via equipping child labourers and vulnerable children with life and integration skills.

It also assists child labourers and vulnerable children with supporting policies on education, vocational training and seeking suitable jobs, while helping their families seek stable livelihood to boost income, which eventually prevents children from working.

At the same time, the programme assists employers at traditional craft villages, production and business establishments and informal sector to improve working conditions for children in line with the law.-VNA


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