Heattributed the Vietnamese police force’s strength and development to thecooperation and support from international friends while receiving theforeign delegates in Hanoi on August 17.
The PM spoke ofeffective prevention from and struggle against transnational crimes,terrorism, high-tech crime, and drug and human trafficking by lawenforcement agencies in recent years. The results showed closecooperation between countries, contributing to maintaining security andorder in each country as well as peace and stability in the region andthe world.
PM Dung informed the head delegates about the 43 rdASEAN ministerial meeting and related meetings in Vietnam last monthduring which ASEAN and its dialogue countries discussed a broadrange of issues and reached a high degree of consensus, affirming theircommon goals and aspirations of peace, stability and cooperation.
Hesaid he wished for continued cooperation and support from foreigncountries with the Vietnamese People’s Public Security as well ascooperation between governments.
Stronger internationalintegration has offered more opportunities and challenges for nations,he said, urging the need to accelerate and strengthen multilateral andbilateral cooperation in counter-crime and counter-terrorism amongsecurity, interior, police and intelligence agencies as well as betweenASEAN and its dialogue partners.
He also urged the agencies in ASEAN to propose measures to improve cooperation in the region.
The PM also expressed a wish that other countries would regularlyexchange delegations to share experiences and help each other inpersonnel training, and to promote the signing of multilateral andbilateral cooperation documents that would create a legal pathway forlong-lasting cooperation in the fight against crime.
He asked thecountries to build a mechanism of information sharing to solve issuesfor cooperation in crime control in a timely manner.
On behalf ofthe head delegates, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister ofInterior Affairs Sar Kheng agreed with Prime Minister Dung’s opinions,saying they are quite consistent and in line with the benefits of allcountries.
Deputy PM Sar Kheng said he believed in promoting strong cooperation in the fight against transnational crime./.