Hiroshima (VNA) – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met USPresident Joe Biden and President of the European Council (EC) Charles Michel onMay 20, within the framework of the ongoing expanded summit of the G7.
Chinh and Biden agreed to maintain the exchange of all-leveldelegations.
PM Chinh held that bilateral relations have positively developedover the recent past, with the economic-trade cooperation being the focus.President Biden spoke highly of the outcomes of the phone talks with PartyGeneral Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.
The two exchanged ideas on a number of measures to push uprelations between the two countries and international and regional issues ofmutual concern.
Also at the summit, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son met his UScounterpart Antony Blinken, exchanging ideas on measures to accelerate theimplementation of the agreements reached by the two countries’ high-levelleaders.

At the meeting between Chinh and Michel, the two sides expressedsatisfaction at the positive progress in the Vietnam-EU relations.
Affirming that the EU is a partner of prime importance inVietnam’s foreign policy, PM Chinh suggested the two sides push up the exchangeof all-level delegations, and maintain and bring into play the efficiency ofcooperation and dialogue mechanisms in the framework of the Vietnam-EUpartnership and cooperation agreement.
PM Chinh asked the EC leader to push the parliaments of membercountries to soon ratify the EVIPA; and the EC to raise its voice for the EU tosoon lift its yellow-card warning concerning the IUU against Vietnam’s seafoodexports He also expressed his hope for the EU and member countries to continuesupporting Vietnam in attracting resources to implement the statement on theJust Energy Transition Partnership (JETP).
The EC leader expressed his joy at the vigorous, intensive andextensive development in the Vietnam-EU relations, and spoke highly of Vietnam’sefforts in the corruption fight. He took note of the progress reached betweenthe two sides in the yellow-card warning, and affirm the EU’s strong support toVietnam in the green transformation and JETP implementation. The leader alsoexpressed his hope for Vietnam’s continued support for the EU in strengtheningrelations with the ASEAN./.