PM promises optimal conditions to Korean investors

The Vietnamese Government always supports and creates favourable conditions for domestic and foreign investors to expand business operations in the country, said Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
PM promises optimal conditions to Korean investors ảnh 1PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) presents a souvenir  to Chang Dae-Whan, Chairman of the RoK-based Maekyung Media Group (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Vietnamese Government always supports and creates favourable conditions for domestic and foreign investors, including those from the Republic of Korea (RoK), to expand business operations in the country, said Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

PM Phuc made the statement while receiving Chang Dae-Whan, Chairman of the RoK-based Maekyung Media Group, in Hanoi on December 5.

He lauded the coordination between Maekyung and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to hold a Vietnam-RoK economic forum, marking the 25th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The PM said Vietnam wants RoK groups to develop manufacturing hubs in different fields such as electronics and auto components in the country, adding that investors must ensure environmental standards.

As a major communications group in the RoK, Maekyung needs to disseminate more information so as to encourage Korean enterprises to invest in Vietnam, thus contributing to the bilateral friendship and cooperation, he said.

Chang Dae-Whan said Vietnam is emerging as a leading nation in ASEAN, adding that the RoK government expects that the Vietnamese government will provide more support for Korean enterprises, particularly for those who are carrying out major industrial projects.

He expressed his belief that the Vietnam-RoK economic forum would be a success, thus attracting more Korean investments into the country.-VNA 

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