PM receives President of Belgian-Vietnamese Alliance

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received President of the Belgian-Vietnamese Alliance (BVA) Andries Gryffroy on December 15 as part of his official visit to Belgium.
PM receives President of Belgian-Vietnamese Alliance ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) receives President of the Belgian-Vietnamese Alliance (BVA) Andries Gryffroy (Photo: VNA) 

Brussels (VNA) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received President of the Belgian-Vietnamese Alliance (BVA) Andries Gryffroy on December 15 as part of his official visit to Belgium.

During the meeting, PM Chinh thanked Gryffroy and the BVA for their important contributions to Vietnam and the multifaceted friendship between Vietnam and Belgium in recent years.

Chinh said he hopes the BVA will continue to serve as a bridge boosting cooperation between Vietnam and Belgium and the European Union at large, suggesting the alliance call for investment and establishment of supply chains between Vietnam and Europe.

He called on the alliance to map out plans to promote  economic, trade, investment and tourism cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, especially between their localities, universities, and research institutes.

The Vietnamese PM suggested Gryffroy, as First Vice President of the Belgian Senate, urge the Belgian Parliament to complete the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), and support the European Commission (EC)'s removal of the "yellow card" warning for Vietnamese seafood, thus facilitating economic, trade and investment relations between the two sides on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

For his part,  Gryffroy thanked the Vietnamese PM for paying attention to the alliance, saying that besides investment and business activities, the alliance is also interested in cultural and social aspects.

The BVA hopes that the Vietnamese Government will support Belgian enterprises to invest in developing cooling warehouses for farm produce in Vietnam, and cooperate with Vietnamese enterprises in logistics and construction, Gryffroy said. /.


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