The Vietnamese Government leader will share Vietnam’s visionsat the forum's main sessions, including a WEF Country Strategic Dialogue on Vietnam,a policy dialogue of Vietnam and a discussion with some ASEAN countries onpromoting the role of global cooperation in ASEAN, the diplomat told VietnamNews Agency (VNA)’s correspondent in Geneva.
She said that PM Chinh will also join leaders of countries,international organisation and multi-national businesses at a WEF session onrecovering confidence on the global system.
The Vietnamese leader will address some other events,including a seminar on attracting investment in semiconductor industry, andanother on experience and development models of international financial centreswith the participation of leading Swiss financial groups, Ambassador Mai said.
PM Chinh will hold bilateral meetings with leaders of somecountries and international organisations to discuss regional and internationalissues of shared concern, and strengthen connectivity with partners.
The diplomat stressed that the Vietnamese Government leader will directly tell leadersof states, international organisations and multi-national enterprises aboutVietnam’s efforts to renovate the growth model, promote green economy, reducegreenhouse gas emissions, speed up innovation and digital transformation on anequal and inclusive principle and enhance capacity to deal with climate change,showing the country’s determination and attempts to deliver on the commitment it had made at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) to achieve net-zeroemission by 2050.
The Vietnamese PM will have a meeting with WEF Founder andExecutive Chairman Klaus Schwab, duringwhich they will witness the signing of a memorandum of understanding oncooperation between Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs andWEF on developing innovation and green transition skills, and a deal betweenthe People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and WEF on collaboration in establishinga Fourth Industrial Revolution Centre, Ambassador Mai revealed.
She underlined that these activities demonstrate Vietnam andWEF’s great attention to bilateral relations. Vietnam has highly valued the WEF’srole in the world and Vietnam, and stayed ready to promote ties with the forum.Meanwhile, WEF leaders have hailed Vietnam’s role and contributions inpromoting multilateral cooperation, as well as the country’s efforts to joinhands with the international community in dealing with global challenges, shenoted.
Ambassador Mai said that the activities will also provideopportunities for Vietnam to prove its role as an active partner of theinternational community and its willingness to make contributions to thesettlement of global issues, as well as efforts to shape the future by putting forth ideas and implementing policies to boost socio-economic development and improvepeople’s living conditions in the current important period.
The PM’s participation at the event will affirm the role,position and reputation of Vietnam in the world arena, the diplomat underlined.
Themed “Rebuilding Trust,” the WEF-54 will focus on fourmajor issues – building economic policies to suit the new era, long-termstrategy on climate, nature and energy, artificial intelligence as a motivationfor socio-economic development, and security and cooperation in a dividedworld./.