Bucharest (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc,now on a visit to Romania, on April 15 held a joint press conference with hishost PM Viorica Dancila following their talks and signing of cooperation memorandumsof understanding in Bucharest earlier the same day.
The host laid a stress on the long-lasting cooperationbetween the two countries, especially in the field of education. Shehighlighted that they have always maintain and consolidated political trust oneach other.
As the rotary Chair of the European Union (EU), Romaniasupports the signing and ratification of the EU – Vietnam Free Trade Agreementand the investment protection agreement between the two sides at the earliestpossible date, she said.
The leader held that the maintenance of sustainable economicgrowth over the recent years by the two countries will facilitate thestrengthening of bilateral cooperation in various fields, expressing her hopethat Vietnam will become a close partner of her country in East Asia.
For his part, PM Phuc highlighted that the two countriesenjoy a traditional relationship of friendship and cooperation lasting over thepast seven decades. In its foreign policy of independence and self-reliance,Vietnam always attaches importance to its close relations with Romania, heaffirmed.
The Government leader revealed that the two sides had verysuccessful talks, exchanging ideas on concrete measures on pushing up bilateralrelations as well as on international and regional issues of mutual concern.
The two sides noted that the bilateral relations havedeveloped positively over the recent past, but large room remains for furthercooperation and Vietnam hopes that the two countries will become trustful andeffective partners of each other, he said.
Vietnam congratulated Romania on its assumption of therotary chairmanship of the EU for the first six months of this year andbelieved it will successfully accomplish the term which will help affirm therole and position of Romania in the EU and the international community.
PM Viorica Dancila has affirmed to exert efforts to push theEU to officially sign the important agreements within Romania’s term of EUchair, PM Phuc revealed, adding the two sides concurred that labour is thefocus of cooperation in the time to come.
At the talks, the two sides were satisfied to note that theyhave closely coordinated on importance international issues and supported eachother at multilateral forums. They agreed to bring into full play the roles ofthe two countries in the ASEAN and the EU as Vietnam will be the Chair of ASEANnext year, thus contributing to international and multilateral cooperation forpeace and security in the world.
PM Phuc also express gratitude to the Romanian governmentfor facilitating the Vietnamese community there to live and integrate into thelocal society, and said he hope they will continue to bring into full play therole of a bridge in the relations between the two countries.-VNA