Jakarta (VNA) – Prime Minister PhamMinh Chinh and his Timor Leste counterpart Xanana Gusmao on September 5 agreed to increase the exchange of delegations to promote the traditional friendship and connectivity between the two countries.
During the meeting, held on the occasion of the two PMs' attendance in the 43rd ASEAN Summit and related summits in Jakarta, Indonesia, PM Chinh congratulated Gusmao on his election as Prime Minister of Timor Leste for the 2023-2028 tenure, and expressed his confidence that under theleadership of Gusmao, Timor Leste will continue to reap greatachievements in construction and development, gradually asserting its role andposition in the region and the world.
He welcomed Timor Leste's participation in the 43rd ASEAN Summitand reaffirmed that Vietnam and other member countries of the bloc willactively support the country in the process of becoming an official member ofASEAN.
The two leaders emphasised the need to effectively implementthe signed agreements, and soon complete the negotiations to sign the bilateralInvestment Protection Agreement and ratify the trade agreement between the twocountries.
They also underlined the importance of boosting cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, tourism, culture, education andpeople-to-people exchange, while studying new areas ofcooperation that suit developmentneeds of Timor Leste and the potential and strengths of Vietnam such as agro-forestryand fisheries, digital transformation and green transition.
PM Chinh asked Timor Leste to support and create favourableconditions for Vietnamese companies to participate in and implement investmentprojects, and promptly resolve pending legal issues to encourage foreign investment inits territory.
Sharing Timor Leste's concern over the threat of foodshortages due to the impact of declining global rice exports and climatechange, he affirmed that Vietnam is ready to support and strengthen rice tradewith Timor Leste, urging the two countries to begin negotiations towardsthe signing of a rice trade agreement between the two governments to create along-term legal framework for bilateral cooperation.
For his part, Gusmao affirmed that Timor Leste alwaysattaches importance to promoting relations with Vietnam. He agreed with PM Chinh'sproposals which aimed at promoting cooperation, especially in the fields oftelecommunications, trade- investment and the rice sector.
Highlighting the important contributions of Telemor, a subsidiary of the Vietnamese group Viettel, to the development of TimorLeste's telecom industry, he pledged to resolve difficulties for foreigninvestors, including Viettel.
The two Prime Ministers affirmed that they will continue tosupport each other and coordinate effectively in regional and internationalmultilateral forums
PM Chinh invited his Timor Lestecounterpart to visit Vietnam and the latter accepted the invitation with pleasure./.