“This year,youth will be the main focus of the poetry festival,” said Huu Thinh,chairman of the Vietnam Writers Association, organiser of the festival.“This is a chance to honour the creativity of youth and encourage theirenthusiasm.”
In addition to the participation of poetry clubsfrom Hanoi and surrounding areas, this year’s event will also includethe participation of students from 11 colleges and universities inHanoi and the northern province of Thai Nguyen, including HanoiCulture College , the University of Social Sciences andHumanities, the University of Technology , and Thai NguyenUniversity .
“We will also focus on patriotism andnationalism,” Thinh said, “Participants in Poetry Day will enjoy acultural festival with a chance to express their dreams and love and,together with other poets, to express their responsibility to thenation.”
Poetry Day this year will also greet American warveteran and poet Bruce Weigl, whose has published several anthologies,including The Monkey Wars and Song of Napalm, which earned him aPulitzer Prize nomination in 1988. He was a strong opponent of theAmerican War in Vietnam and feels a strong connection to Vietnameseliterature.
The festivities will begin on the night of February22 with a presentation of poems by students and poets from clubsthroughout the country. The best will be selected for presentation onPoetry Day on February 24.
Poetry Day begins with a festivalprocession which will be larger than ever this year, with theparticipation of 120 performers from the Vietnam cheo (traditionaloperetta) and tuong (classical drama) theatres. They will parade alongthe streets around the Temple of Literature to honour poetry whiledancers perform to traditional music.
The poetry festival willfeature two stages, one for veteran poets and another for young ones.The second stage promises to bring excitement to visitors, as musicianLe Viet Khanh and boy band M4U will cooperate with young poets topresent a performance of poetry and music.
In honour of the70th anniversary of the Cultural Movement for National Salvation[against the French domination], the writers association will alsoexhibit works of writers, poets and cultural activists who have madecontributions to the nation’s independence cause.
Busts andfamous works of 19 writers representing the movement will be on displayaround Thien Quang Well at the Temple of Literature.
Topay tribute to the nation’s sovereignty, an exhibition of maps andartefacts marking the country’s maritime territory will be displayed, onloan from several museums.-VNA