Initiated in 2009 by the e-newspaper Vietnamnet, alongside the foremost purposeof celebrating Independence Day, the event is also to honour the diversity ofVietnamese music.
According to Vietnamnet Editor-in-Chief Nguyen Van Ba, this year’s concert willfeature a special repertoire featuring “new and fresh changes that can arousepatriotism and national pride of every audience”.
Like the previous season, the concert will be opened with the national anthemTien Quan Ca (Marching Song) by celebrated composer Van Cao. The song will bepresented by the Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra (VNSO) under the baton ofthe talented conductor Dong Quang Vinh.
Aiming to honour the great composer on his 100th birthday (15/11/1923 –15/11/2023), the concert will include another of his famous songs Dan Chim Viet(Flock of Vietnamese Birds).
The song will have a new music arrangement and orchestration, and will beperformed by semi-classical singer Pham Thu Ha, said the concert’s MusicDirector, composer Tran Manh Hung, who has selected, arranged and orchestratedall the tunes, creating the unity throughout the concert.
Hung also said that the concert will take symphony as the major material tohonour national values.
A list of all-time-favourite songs such as Bong Cay Konia (Under the Shadow ofKonia Tree) by Phan Huynh Dieu, Trang Sang Doi Mien (Moon Shines Two Regions)by An Chung, Ao Mua Dong (Winter Jacket) by Do Nhuan, Dat Nuoc Loi Ru (TheNation’s Lullaby) by Van Thanh Nho, Giai Dieu To Quoc (The National Melody) byTran Tien, To Quoc Yeu Thuong (The Beloved Nation) by Ho Bac, and Len Ngan (Goup to the Jungle) by Hoang Viet, will be presented during the concert.
In addition, favourite tunes of young people – My Kool Vietnam by Thanh Bui,and Nhung Trai Tim Viet Nam (Vietnamese Hearts) by Phuong Uyen – also beincluded in the concert repertoire. The songs will be performed by the all-menmusic band Oplus.
The VNSO will also present the overture Mua Xuan The Ky (A Spring in A Century)by Hoang Cuong.
A line-up of famous artists of revolutionary music, including Dang Duong, TungDuong, Do To Hoa, Pham Khanh Ngoc, and Dao Mac, will gather to be on the stageof the concert Dieu Con Mai. Performance by young saxophonist An Tran –daughter of veteran saxophonist Tran Manh Tuun – is expected to add more vividcolours to the concert.
The 39-year-old conductor Dong Quang Vinh will take over the position ofconductor Le Phi Phi in all previous concert. Vinh said that within only twohours of the concert, it’s challenging to connect all the performance to createa completed story about Vietnamese culture and history as well as the love tothe country, and the strength of national unity./.