Physical and pediatric rehabilitation specialistat the Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Dr Rizky Kusuma Wardhanielaborated that children with regular physical activities have their bondselongated.
Children aged 3-5 can engage in such activities as running and jumping insidethe house or outdoors, for approximately three hours, she said, adding thoseaged 6-17 or going to school, apart from the three hours of physicalactivities, can add more structured and planned sports activities at leastthrice a week, with a duration of 60 minutes.
She also suggested moderate to heavy physical activities like running andcycling with a longer duration or distance.
Physical activities can also stimulate grossand fine motor skills in children, and improve social skills by playing withpeers.
She stressed that the activities could help reduce the risks of obesity,diabetes, and cardiovascular disease while supporting brain development andincreasing cognitive skills./.