Preserving the traditional black incense production in Choa village

Whenever an incense stick is lit up, it most likely comes from the reputable incense-making Choa village, (or Chan Lac village), Dung Liet commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

For most people in Vietnam, incense is a rope, a bridge connecting people to the spiritual world.

Whenever an incense stick is lit up, it most likely comes from the reputable incense-making Choa village, (or Chan Lac village), Dung Liet commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

This is one of the most long-standing traditional villages in Bac Ninh. The incense made in Choa village has a distinct black color and vary in size, with the smallest being 30 centimeters long, and the largest being 1.2 meters long.

When they burn, the scent is very gentle and unmistakable.

The secret of making traditional black incense is kept in the lineage so even the surrounding communes or villages cannot produce them./.


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