Moscow (VNA) - President Tran Dai Quangvalued the close cooperation and mutual support between the two legislatures ofVietnam and Russia during his meeting with Chairman of the StateDuma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin in Moscow on June 30.
He wished the Vietnam-Russia and Russia-VietnamFriendship Parliamentarians’ Groups will continue working hard to helpconsolidate the collaborations between the two legislative bodies and thecountries’ comprehensive strategic partnership in general.
Atthe meeting, the two sides described the effective implementation of theVietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) as a top priority at present.
President Quang suggested the two parliaments work closely together to monitorthe EVFTA implementation in order to create a strong boost to bilateral traderelations, with an aim of raising two-way trade to 10 billion USD by 2020.
The Russian Duma Chairman spoke highly of theVietnamese President’s official visit to Russia, saying that it will map outdevelopment orientations and deepen the two countries’ comprehensive strategicpartnership, including the ties between their legislatures.
The State Duma always pays special attention topromoting and enhancing the Vietnam – Russia cooperation in the fields ofeconomy, trade, science – technology, education – training, defence – security,and tourism, he said.
The Russian legislative body will actively support the building of a suitablelegal framework to step up investment cooperation in industry, agriculture,energy, oil and gas between the two nations.
He also expressed his delight at ChairwomanNguyen Thi Kim Ngan’s upcoming participation in the137th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly slated for October inRussia.
President Tran Dai Quang noted his support forcultural exchanges between the two countries, including the organisation of theRussian Culture Days in Vietnam in 2017.
He also called on the State Duma to providelegal assistance and favourable conditions for Vietnamese people living in thecountry.-VNA