President Ho Chi Minh’s birth anniversary marked in Laos, Chile

The Vietnamese Consulate General in the Lao province of Savannakhet on May 18 held an incense offering ceremony at President Ho Chi Minh Memorial House in Sayaphoum village, Kaysone Phomvihane township, to celebrate the late leader’s 128th birth anniversary (May 19).
President Ho Chi Minh’s birth anniversary marked in Laos, Chile ảnh 1At the ceremony in Kaysone Phomvihane township of Laos (Source: VNA)
Vientiane (VNA) – The Vietnamese Consulate General in the Lao province of Savannakhet on May 18 held an incense offering ceremony at President Ho Chi Minh Memorial House in Sayaphoum village, Kaysone Phomvihane township, to celebrate the late leader’s 128th birth anniversary (May 19).

Savannakhet is the place where President Ho Chi Minh arrived after leaving Thailand’s Mukdahan city to study the situation and launch a revolutionary campaign in June 1929.

Attending the event were Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Governor of Savannakhet Santiphap Phomvihane, Vietnamese Consul General in Savannakhet Tran Cong Thinh, Vietnamese nationals and corporate leaders working in the province.

Earlier, the administration of the Lao province of Khammouane also held an incense offering ceremony in Sieng Vang village, Nongbok district where the Vietnamese President worked from 1928-1929.

As planned, the Vietnamese Association in Savannakhet will organise a meeting to celebrate the 128th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh on May 19 evening.
President Ho Chi Minh’s birth anniversary marked in Laos, Chile ảnh 2Mayor of Cerro Navia district Mauro Tamayo (L) and Vietnamese Ambassador to Chile Nguyen Ngoc Son (Source: VNA)
A meeting marking the event was also co-organised by the Vietnamese Embassy in Chile and the administration of Cerro Navia district on May 17.

Speaking at the event, Mayor of Cerro Navia district Mauro Tamayo said local people decided to name a park after President Ho Chi Minh to pay respect to the late leader.

He expressed wish to continue working with the Vietnamese Embassy in Chile to hold cultural exchanges and exhibitions about Vietnam.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Chile Nguyen Ngoc Son thanked the district’s authorities and people for receiving Ho Chi Minh Monument in the country, affirming that the Vietnamese Embassy in Chile would strive to further tighten Vietnam-Chile ties as well asVietnam-Cerro Navia relations founded by President Ho Chi Minh and President Salvador Allende.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy in Chile granted several publications and photo books about Vietnam to the Cerro Navia Cultural Centre.-VNA

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