President meets outgoing Iranian Ambassador

Vietnam wishes to further develop multi-faced cooperation with Middle East countries, particularly Iran, President Truong Tan Sang said during his meeting with outgoing Iranian Ambassador.
President meets outgoing Iranian Ambassador ảnh 1President Truong Tan Sang (R) and outgoing Iranian Ambassador Hossein Alvadi Behineh. Photo: VNA

Vietnam wishes to further develop multi-faced cooperation with Middle East countries, particularly Iran, President Truong Tan Sang said during his meeting with outgoing Iranian Ambassador Hossein Alvadi Behineh in Hanoi on September 21.

Congratulating the diplomat on excellent services with contributions to the two nations’ ties in various realms, the President said he hopes the diplomat will continue supporting the traditional partnership between the two countries in his new post.

He said Vietnam and Iran have seen continuously growing relations, suggesting the two countries promote comprehensive affiliations in all fields as well as support each other at regional and international forums.

He thanked Iran for its support for Vietnam’s efforts to become the UN Human Rights Council’s member, and expressed his wish for further support for the country’s bid for the UN Security Council’s non-permanent member.

The President also took the occasion to laud the results of the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 that consists of China, France, Russia, the UK, the US and Germany.

Meanwhile, the diplomat took note of potential collaboration between the countries in culture, education, and health care, among others.

Vietnam is a supplement market to Iran, and vice versa. As Vietnam continues developing oil and gas projects in Iran, their energy ties foresees new opportunities.

Highlighting Vietnam’s support, he stated Iran hopes for further assistance in create stronger connectivity with ASEAN countries.-VNA


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