Duringthe three-day trip, President Phuc had a meeting with and attended aState-level banquet hosted by President Yacob. He also held talks and met withSingaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Speaker of the Parliament TanChuan-Jin.
The twoPresidents affirmed that their countries will further intensify bilateralpolitical and economic relations by maintaining frequent high-level meetingsand consolidating the existing cooperation mechanisms.
Vietnamand Singapore agreed to recognise each other’s COVID-19 vaccinationcertificates, create conditions for safely resuming regular commercial flights,and step up cooperation in economy, including digital economy, and trade.
The Presidentsalso emphasised the importance of enhancing and elevating the countries’strategic partnership, along with the significance of environmental protection,climate change combat, and sustainable development.
They reaffirmedASEAN’s consistent stance on the East Sea issue and the importance ofmaintaining peace, security, stability, safety, and freedom of navigation andoverflight in the waters. Both underlined the importance of the full andeffective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in theEast Sea (DOC), and of negotiations to finalise a substantive and effectiveCode of Conduct (COC) that matches international law, including the 1982 UnitedNations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
PresidentPhuc also participated in a Vietnam - Singapore business dialogue and received executivesof many leading enterprises of the city state so as to promote trade and callfor more investment into Vietnam.
He and PM Lee witnessed the exchange of five cooperation documentson defence, economy - trade, information and communications, and intellectualproperty, which are critical to both countries’ efforts to boost post-pandemiceconomic recovery.
Duringthe visit, localities and businesses of Vietnam signed and exchanged 29 contractsand cooperation documents with Singaporean partners, with the investment committed into Vietnam totaling 11 billion USD.
The visit’ssuccess is believed to have helped strengthen the political trust and strategicpartnership between the two countries and lift bilateral ties to a new level./.